Dynamic YOUR DESTINATION FOR VIP Boxing Experiences, Packages, Tickets & Travel

Box old

Dan Janiszewski March 30th, 2017

Outdoor Boxes (8)

Entry Level Entertaining

Home > Events >
Sunday 30th March 2025
Suncorp Stadium, Milton
12:00am - 12:00am
Fight Programs

Souvenir Fight

Dress Code - Smart Casual

Smart Casual
Dress Code

2 Course Meal

2 Course
Sit Down Meal

Package Summary

Located all around the ground, these Gabba Outdoor Boxes are the entry level package.

Offering privacy and comfort, these Gabba Outdoor Boxes come with a range of different catering options to choose from. Please note that this cost is additional and not included in the pricing listed on this website.

Please note: these boxes are outdoor. It can be very hot in Brisbane in November. Dynamic Sports Marketing recommend consideration of dining packages where guests can escape to air conditioned comfort throughout the day.

8 seater Gabba Outdoor Boxes for the Ashes include:

  • Entry into your Gabba Outdoor Box
  • Reserved Corporate seating.
  • A range of catering options to choose from (additional costs apply)
  • Continuous beverage service throughout the event.
  • TV Monitors to catch all the replays

Dress code is at the hosts discretion, however all guests must adhere to the Gabba's dress code. Speak to us for more information.


Various Locations around the ground. Your account manager will be able to provide more details at time of booking.

More information:

For more information on Cricket Australia's official Ashes Corporate Hospitality Packages, please call Dynamic Sports Marketing on 02 9089 8822